1. Agreement

This Rental Agreement (Agreement) becomes binding upon booking.

Breach of the conditions within this Agreement is grounds for termination of the booking and the Rental Party will be required to vacate the Property immediately. 

2. Booking

The “Booking” is a record of information and contains guest details, booking dates, costs, and other information. The Booking may be stored by a third-party online travel agency (OTA) or by  Alpine Property Management Pty Ltd (Property Manager).

Bookings are made through an OTA, such as Airbnb, Booking.com and HomeAway, or directly through the Property Manager via telephone, email, or website.

3. Parties

This Agreement is made between the person(s) making the Booking, hereafter referred to as “Guest”, and the Home Owner, hereafter referred to as “Host”.

The “Rental Party” is comprised of the Guest and the persons indicated in the Booking (Members). Only those specified in the Booking are considered Members of the Rental Party, all other persons are considered “Unauthorised Guests”.

The Guest is responsible for ensuring that every Member of the Rental Party is recorded in the Booking.

Unauthorised Guests are not permitted to stay overnight or sleep at the property.

The total amount of people in the Rental Party will not exceed that outlined in the Booking. 

The Guest agrees to be solely responsible for their own actions and any actions of Members of the Rental Party.

4. Property Manager

The Host receives some assistance from a Property Manager for some elements of the Booking, such as cleaning and communication with the Rental Party. All enquiries should be directed to the Property Manager at the details below.

Alpine Property Management 


(+61) 2 8667 5374

5. Property

The property address is detailed in the Booking (the “Property”).

For the purposes of this Agreement, the Property includes the building itself, along with all fixtures and furnishings within the building or on the property grounds.

6. Rental Period

The check-in and check-out days are those indicated in the Booking.

The “Rental Period” begins at 4:00PM on the check-in day and ends at 10:00AM on the check-out day of the Booking. 

7. Costs

The nightly rate, other fees and charges, and security deposit are set out in the Booking.

8. Termination 

The Rental Party will vacate the premises at the expiration time of the Rental Period. 

The Host and Property Manager has the right to inspect the premises at any time. Should the Rental Party violate any of the terms of this Agreement, the Booking will be terminated immediately in accordance with the law. The Rental Party waives all rights to process if they fail to vacate the premises upon termination of the Booking. 

9. Damage and Cleaning

The Rental Party will use the premises only in a careful and lawful manner. 

The Rental Party will leave the premises in clean and undamaged condition.

The Guest will immediately notify the Property Manager of any damage to the property. 

The Guest will pay for any cleaning required after their stay and for any repairs for damage occurring to the Property during the Rental Period. 

The Guest agrees that the Host will be entitled to remuneration for any costs associated with cleaning or repairs for damage caused by the Rental Party without constraint. 

10. Rubbish

The Rental Party will appropriately dispose of all waste generated during the Rental Period as directed in the Booking

11. Pets

No animals or pets of any kind will be brought onto the Property. 

12. Parking

Parking is only allowed as directed in the Booking.

13. Subletting

The Property will not be sublet. 

14. Quiet Enjoyment

The Rental Party will behave in a civilised manner and respect the rights of the surrounding property owners and/or guests. 

The Rental Party will not create noise or disturbances likely to disturb or annoy the surrounding property owners and/or guests.

Quiet hours are between 9PM and 8AM every day.  

15. Emergency

For medical or fire emergency dial 000, for all other issues contact the Property Manager.

16. Smoking

Smoking is not allowed inside the Property.

All cigarette butts and ash will be disposed of in an appropriate receptacle.

17. Liability

Members of the Rental Party hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Host and Property Manager against any and all claims of personal injury or property damage or loss arising from use of the Property regardless of the nature of the accident, injury or loss. 

Members of the Rental Party expressly recognise that any insurance for property damage or loss which the Host and/or Property Manager may maintain on the Property does not cover the personal property of Members of the Rental Party or other Unauthorised Guests. 

Members of the Rental Party are advised to purchase their own insurance.

18. Rental Deposit 

The Host can retain any costs associated with cleaning or damage from the Rental Deposit at their discretion. 

19. Attorney’s Fees

The Guest agrees to pay all reasonable costs, attorney's fees and expenses that are made or incurred by the Host enforcing this agreement.

20. Use of Property

The Rental Party expressly acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is for transient occupancy of the Property, and that the Rental Party will not make the property a residence or household.

21. Shortened Stays and Conditions

There will be no refunds due to shortened stays or ruined expectations.

22. Hazardous materials

The Rental Party agrees that hazardous materials will not be stored or used in or around the Property.

23. Illegal Use

The Rental Party will use the property for legal purposes only and other use will cause termination of the Booking without refund. 

24. Fire Alarms

The Guest must immediately notify the Property Manager if a smoke alarm is activated or indicates a low battery condition.

25. Possessions

Reasonable efforts will be made to return possessions left by the Rental Party. If items are not claimed within four weeks, they will become the property of the Host and the Host will not be held liable for the condition of these items.

26. Services

Certain services, such as power, internet and TV, are provided and the service level has been chosen by the Host. No refund will be given for outages, content, lack of content, or personal preferences regarding these services.


During your stay we require that you are aware of and agree to abide by the NSW Government’s Code of Conduct for the Short-term Rental Accommodation Industry.  

In abiding with the Code of Conduct, you also agree to: 

1) Treat neighbours with respect and keep noise to a minimum and within acceptable levels

2) Not host parties or events that would disrupt the peace and comfort of neighbours, and 

3) Follow the House Rules. 

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